Saturday, November 22, 2008


In uncertain times and with thing not going as I hoped or planned these last 5 months there are so still so many things to be thankful for.

  • A home to live in.
  • Food in my fridge and cupboards.
  • 5 healthy kids.
  • A hard working hubby that loves me unconditionally.
  • A hubby who took his health back in control almost 2 weeks now. Lost 15 lbs. so far.
  • A Mother, Father, and Sisters who care about me and my family.
  • That I've been able to reconnect with friends.
  • This is the first Thanksgiving my husband wont be working in 6 years.
  • That God's Word has never been more alive to me. IT truly feels like the Bread of Life.
  • That I'm totally dependent on Jesus. He is the only One who can give me total peace about everything and every time I reach out to Him. He shows up. There is no other way to live.
  • That I'm a daughter of the King.

I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Even though dinner might not turn out like planned, you didn't get everything you wanted to get today you can still stop and take a moment to show thanks for the truly important thing.


1 comment:

ap88keys said...

Very well said and something we can't hear enough. While everyone is worrying about the economy and not buying gifts, we should be grateful we have more than most people on planet Earth. Most of all we know the One to give thanks to. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!