Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hand boys baseball!

Here is JoAnna and I at Elijah's and Ezekiel's first Little Leauge games of the season. Their games where at the same time time and many of them will be. Ezra and Josh playing because they can't sit in the stands unless they have food to eat.

Isn't my 4 yr. old Joshy so cute. How time flies.

JoAnna taking off her shoes.

Ezra and Josh walking back to me after collecting sticks.

Her hair is getting longer but is still curling up into ringlets.

I wonder if she will want to play softball after many years of watching her brothers play baseball.

She is trying to get away from me and my camera.

The are all sitting still because I brought snacks.

They only sat through the first inning of Zeke's game.

Baseball would be more fun if I could just sit and watch but I still manage to see quite a bit of the older boys play especially when their up to bat.

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